PCC General Biology Bio181 Fall 2020 PM
Students with DNA Barcode Results and Poster Presentations
Javier Carbajal
Dani Fluette
Alex Lombard
Maddie Callahan
Nick Underhill
Shufan Wang
Students with DNA Barcode Results
Serena Brei
Winne Cook
Ruben Gomez
Autumn Heflin Smith
Isaac Hernandez
Courtnae Jacques
Carlos Bernabé
Ruby Prescott
Raymond Schneider
Ambar Valencia
Kendralee Bell
Gel Electrophoresis Results
Here is the gel image after running a PCR on your bees using the forward primer “BeeF” and the reverse primer “BeeR” to amplify the DNA barcoding region of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI) gene.